Overview Trainings
These trainings are a deep dive into the topic of choice and run between 2 and 4 hours. Steve’s seminars whether on zoom or in person always includes experiential exercise, modern cutting edge science, and group activities to keep things lively. Steve has immersion trainings that include, trauma 101, Building Trauma Responsiveness, Addictions through an attachment lense, Shame the land between living and dying, developmental trauma, and much more

One Day Overview Trainings
One day Trauma Transformations
These intense one day trainings include a deep dive into key principles of enacting Trauma Responsiveness. This includes a deep dive on various forms of trauma, the core impacts in the nervous system, Understanding Shame and then calibrating into how we do things to more effectively interact with a sensitive population in profound need.
One day Equilibrium Trauma Treatment Immersion Training
Steve’s Proprietary Trauma treatment model overview and introduction to it’s key principles spans the day to set the stage with interventions that organizations already have in place. This version offers a limited amount of the tools written into the model but allows participants to structure their treatment approach more thoroughly
One day Cut from the Herd Addictions Training
This training overviews Steve’s addiction treatment model through an Attachment Lense. It includes the thorough theoretical overview of how addiction embeds itself into the nervous system, some of the key risk factors, and practicable application of 10 exercises to fracture the unhealthy addiction relationships.